IHAX Early Childhood Education






The Shutesbury School Committee recognizes the importance of early childhood education in the community and seeks to provide opportunities for all children in the Town of Shutesbury, from the age of three, to participate in early childhood programs. In addition, the Committee recognizes its legal obligation to provide educational services to children with special needs beginning at the age of three.


To achieve these goals, the Shutesbury School Committee will:


Make every effort to participate in state funded early childhood programs and encourage staff to apply for state grants to support our program and utilize state professional development opportunities.


Offer a public program to all three and four year old children.


Maintain an integrated program which would ensure that three and four year old children with special needs can be educated in Shutesbury.


Develop a fee schedule to allow the school to offer the opportunity of an early childhood program.


Offer professional advice and encouragement to members of the Shutesbury community who have developed early childhood programs within the community.


Amended and FINAL: 02-11-14