BDB-1 School Committee Representation on Educational Governance Bodies



The Town of Shutesbury is represented on two governance bodies that oversees education for school-aged children of Shutesbury residents; these are Joint Supervisory Committee for Union #28 and Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee. The representative(s) from Shutesbury on each body is an elected Shutesbury School Committee member(s).

Joint Supervisory Committee of Union #28 In accordance with MGL Chapter 71: Section 63, the Shutesbury School Committee will have three members who shall serve as representatives to the Joint Supervisory Committee of Union #28, one of whom must be the Chair of the Shutesbury School Committee. The other two representatives shall be elected by majority vote at the annual organizational meeting of the Shutesbury School Committee. A first and second alternate will also be designated at the organizational meeting. Alternates shall take the place of a regular member who is not present at a meeting of the Joint Supervisory Committee; any opening shall first be filled by the first alternate. If the first alternate is not available or if there are two regular members not present, the second alternate shall participate in the Joint Supervisory Committee meeting. Alternate’s participation shall apply only to a single meeting at a time.

The two alternate slots will be filled as follows: the second alternate shall be the member that serves as the Amherst-Pelham Regional representative; the first alternate shall be the other alternate-eligible member who does not serve as the Amherst-Pelham Regional representative.

While the members of the Shutesbury School Committee serving on the Joint Supervisory Committee shall represent the interests of the town of Shutesbury and the School Committee to the best of their abilities, these members are not bound by any votes or decisions made by the town or School Committee.

Only the Union #28 Joint Supervisory Committee Chair and Union #28 Joint Supervisory Committee can decide who, beyond the three members representing Shutesbury, can participate in Union #28 committee meetings. Understanding this, the Shutesbury School Committee encourages alternates to attend meetings in whatever roles are determined by the Union #28 Chair and Supervisory Committee - either as members of the public, non-voting members, or voting non-members of Union #28.

Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee In accordance with the Amherst-Pelham Regional Agreement, the Shutesbury School Committee will have one member who shall serve as a representative on the Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee. This member shall be elected by a majority vote at the annual organizational meeting of the Shutesbury School Committee.

A first and second alternate will also be elected at the organizational meeting. If allowed and consistent with the Regional Agreement and state law, an alternate may take the place of the regular member who is not present at a meeting of Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee. The opening shall first be filled by the first alternate.

While the member of the Shutesbury School Committee serving on the Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee shall, to the best of her/his abilities, represent the interests of the town of Shutesbury and the 
Shutesbury School Committee, this member is not bound by any votes or decisions made by the town or School Committee.

MGL Chapter 71: Section 63
Amherst-Pelham Regional Agreement

First Read, May 19, 2011
Second Reading, first vote: 06/16/11
Final Vote: 07/21/11