The Shutesbury Elementary School should be a welcoming place that promotes connection with parents, guardians and interested members of the community and also ensures the safety of students and staff, as outlined in Buildings and Grounds Security Policy- ECA. A visitor to the school is anyone who is not currently enrolled in the school or is not a current employee of the district.
The School Committee encourages visitors to the school to observe and /or participate in the instructional programs and educational activities taking place in the schools. Visits are understood to be beneficial to promotion of greater school-home cooperation and community understanding, and can enhance the offerings of the school.
All visitors shall comply with security procedures developed by the Principal. These procedures, along with any specific instructions or expectations shall be explained in writing the annual Family Handbook as well as made available in brief upon entrance to the building. For security purposes it is required that visitors’ arrival and departure from the building be noted by school staff, consistent with security procedures.
Visitors may be allowed to visit classrooms. Visitors interested in visiting a classroom shall follow procedures developed by the principal. These procedures for classroom visits shall reflect the value that classroom visitations are welcomed as long as the educational process or the needs of the children are not disrupted. These procedures shall be made available in the annual Family Handbook and shall include but are not limited to information regarding reasonable parameters for visits and any prohibited circumstances for visits.
Student guests that accompany a student during any part of the school day may be allowed with sufficient advance notice to the principal from the host family. If permission is granted, the student guest is expected to follow the standards of behavior expected of all students. Upon arrival the student guest must register in the office. Any student guest who fails to comply with student regulations may be asked to leave the school building and grounds. Permission may be denied for logistical and/or classroom reasons.
Only when there is a reasonable expectation that security of the students or staff will be endangered may the Principal or his/her delegate have the right to refuse entrance to the school by a visitor. If requested, after the incident, an explanation of the reasons for the action will be given to the visitor in a timely fashion.
First reading 06-20-07
Second reading, first vote: 07-11-07 Final vote: 08-15-07