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Shutesbury Elementary School
Community Member / Authorized Guest
Statement Of Responsibilities
The following is a summary of the four guiding principles of the Acceptable Use Policy (IJNDB):
Use proper online etiquette
Follow plagiarism, copyright, licensing rules
Follow directions for proper technology use and access
All illegal activity and cyberbullying is prohibited
The District has the right to review all files and activity
Do not post or reference personal student information in any electronic communications
Content filtering blocks access to certain sites and actions to avoid this protection is prohibited
Keep passwords private and only use your assigned computer account
Electronic communications are respectful, appropriate and protect personal information
School resources are used to seek resources, access libraries, collaborate and engage in learning activities
Review and adhere to Social Networking Policy (IJNDD-1)
Acceptable Use Form
Applicant Name (Print): ________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Contact Number: ______________________ (cell) _______________________ (home)
I have read the Shutesbury Elementary School Acceptable Use Policy and agree to use the District’s wireless network access in an appropriate and responsible manner by complying with District policies and all relevant laws and restrictions. I understand that violation of these policies and procedures is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense and that my access privileges may be revoked and disciplinary and/or legal action may be taken.
Signature: _______________________________________
Date: ____________________________
Principal: ________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Valid for the school year: ___________________________