File: GCF-1
The following outlines the policy by which school-based employees are hired to the Shutesbury School District. Staffing positions effected by this policy include administrators, teachers, subject specialists, paraprofessionals, clerical/media, custodial/maintenance, food services, substitute teachers, and all other staff partially or fully employed by the district. This policy does not include hiring of the Superintendent, Principal or staff supporting the district but based primarily at the Union #28 central office.
This policy is consistent with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 71, Section 59B which states that “Principals employed under this section shall be the educational administrators and managers of their schools and shall supervise the operation and management of their schools and school property, subject to the supervision and direction of the superintendent. Principals employed under this section shall be responsible, consistent with district personnel policies and budgetary restrictions and subject to the approval of the superintendent, for hiring all teachers, athletic coaches, instructional or administrative aides, and other personnel assigned to the school, and for terminating all such personnel, subject to review and prior approval by the superintendent and subject to the provisions of this chapter.”
In terms of hiring school-based employees to the Shutesbury School District, the Shutesbury School Committee interprets this law to mean that as building manager and supervisor the Principal has the responsibility and authority to design hiring processes, make recommendations for hiring and termination; the Superintendent, as the educational leader of the district, has the responsibility and authority to approve or veto a hiring and termination recommendation. , “The administrator responsible for the hiring of a staff member [is] in the case of District-wide positions, for the position of Principals, it is the Superintendent; for building-based personnel, it is the Principal”.
General Eligibility
Through its employment policies, the Shutesbury School District will strive to attract, secure, and hold the highest qualified personnel for all professional positions. The selection process will focus on hiring candidates who are best qualified for the position and assisting them in reaching high levels of achievement. No position may be created without the approval of the School Committee. The District's goal is to employ and retain personnel who are skilled, knowledgeable, motivated, positive in approach, and possess a strong work ethic.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
The Shutesbury School District is an equal opportunity employer. The School Committee believes that the quality of instruction and overall experience of students is enhanced by a staff with a wide variation in background, educational preparation, and previous experience; diversity in background, educational preparation, and experience is encouraged. There will be no discrimination in the hiring process due to age, gender, gender identity, creed, race, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or place of residence.
Hiring Procedures for School-based Positions
The following processes shall be followed regarding hiring of school-based personnel to the Shutesbury School District.
- Applications: All applications for school-based positions in the Shutesbury School District must include a criminal background check form/authorization (CORI) and a list of references, which are due prior to an interview. Applications will be received and screened by the Shutesbury Elementary Administrative office.
- Screening: Applications are screened by the Principal or his/her designee. Screening may include a screening committee assembled by the Principal.
- Review: Applications of candidates selected for interviews may be reviewed by and commented on by the Principal and the screening committee. Review will be based upon the job description and qualifications identified by the Principal or screening committee. Applicants invited for interviews are contacted by the Shutesbury Elementary Administrative office. All candidates invited for interviews must have criminal background check submitted to the Superintendent’s office prior to the interview.
If the position is explicitly a Special Education, Title I, or English-Language Learner staff position, the Special Education Director shall be included in the screening committee.
- Interviews: The Principal will arrange for interviews to be carried out by an interview team which provides expertise and breadth of perspective regarding the position. The interview team shall consist of the following members:
· Principal
· Educational Team Representatives – teachers, specialists, or other school staff.
· Parent/Community Representatives
If the position is explicitly a Special Education, Title I, or English-Language Learner staff position, the Special Education Director shall be included in the Interview Committee.
The interview team will provide comments and recommendations to the principal or his/her designee. The principal or his/her designee will conduct reference checks of preferred candidates. Multiple interviews may be conducted to further screen/review a candidate.
- Recommendation: Based on information from the Interview team, reference and criminal background checks, and other sources, the Principal will recommend a single candidate for the vacancy and will forward the recommended name to the Superintendent.
The School Committee encourages discussion about the recommended candidate between the Superintendent and Principal.
- Superintendent Interview and Review:
The file of the recommended candidate will be reviewed by the Superintendent’s office to ensure that affirmative action measures have been taken; that criminal background checks have been found to be acceptable for school employment; and that required licensure/credentials are in place.
The Superintendent or his/her designee may interview the recommended candidate. To promote consistency regarding consideration of hiring criteria and communication regarding the hiring process, and to provide the superintendent with additional expertise for evaluating the candidate, the superintendent may choose to include other staff to assist/participate in the final interview. These other staff shall be the principal, the direct supervisor for the position, and/or individuals with specific area expertise that cannot be provided by the principal or supervisor. The superintendent shall determine the role of staff participating in the final interview.
- Superintendent Decision: The Superintendent shall make the final hiring decision. If the recommended candidate is approved, the Principal will be notified. If the recommended candidate is not approved by the Superintendent, the Principal will forward the name of a second candidate. No more than one candidate’s name will be forwarded at any time. In all cases, the Superintendent shall notify the Principal of the status of the candidate in writing no more than 3 business days following an interview. If documentation (i.e. CORI, references, license confirmation) is outstanding following the interview, this information will be included in the notification to the principal. If the candidate is not acceptable to the Superintendent, the Superintendent shall include in the written notice to the principal, a reason for the decision. The principal shall communicate with the candidate in a timely manner regarding the decision.
- Appointment: The successful candidate will be placed on the salary scale by the Superintendent in consultation with the Principal and consistent with District policies. The Superintendent’s office will initiate hiring paperwork.
- Notice of Appointment (NOA): Notice of Appointment for successful candidates will be sent from the Superintendent’s Office with an employment packet from the Superintendent or his/her designee affirming the offer of position and related salary and benefits. This employment packet shall be sent within one week of the candidate’s acceptance of the position.
- Notifications: The successful candidate will be notified by the Principal following written confirmation by the Superintendent. Contact information for the central office’s payroll clerk will be provided to the candidate so that he/she can make an appointment to complete employment forms.
Unsuccessful applicants who have been interviewed and any other current staff applying for teaching vacancies will be notified of their status by the Principal or his/her designee, including the Shutesbury Administrative office.
- Orientation: The Principal will arrange for the orientation process for a newly hired employee.
- Personnel Support: Administrative personnel support will be provided by the Superintendent’s office in conjunction with the Shutesbury Elementary Administration.
1. Applications: All applications for school-based positions in the Shutesbury School District must include a criminal background check form/authorization (CORI) and a list of references, which are due prior to an interview. Applications will be received and screened by the Shutesbury Elementary Administrative office. Paraprofessionals may be either regular education or special education, full-time or part time. They work under the supervision of a regular staff member.
2. Screening: Applications are screened by the Principal or his/her designee. Screening may include a screening committee assembled by the Principal.
3. Review: Applications of candidates selected for interviews may be reviewed by and commented on by the Principal and/or the screening committee. Review will be based upon the job description and qualifications identified by the Principal or screening committee. Applicants invited for interviews are contacted by the Shutesbury Elementary Administrative office. All candidates invited for interviews must have criminal background check submitted to the Superintendent’s office prior to the interview.
If the position is explicitly a Special Education, Title I, or English-Language Learner staff position, the Special Education Director shall be included in the screening committee.
4. Interviews: The Principal will arrange for interviews to be carried out by an interview team which provides expertise and breadth of perspective regarding the position. Normally, the interview team shall consist of the following members:
· Principal
· Supervising teacher(s)
· Educational Team Representatives – teachers, specialists, or other school staff
If the position is explicitly a Special Education, Title I, or English-Language Learner staff position, the Special Education Director shall be included in the Interview Committee.
The interview team will provide comments and recommendations to the principal or his/her designee. The principal or his/her designee will conduct reference checks of preferred candidates.
5. Recommendation: Based on information from the Interview team, reference and criminal background checks, and other sources, the Principal will recommend a single candidate for the vacancy and will forward the recommended name to the Superintendent.
The School Committee encourages discussion about the recommended candidate between the Superintendent and Principal.
6. Superintendent Interview and Review: The file of the recommended candidate will be reviewed by the Superintendent’s office to ensure that affirmative action measures have been taken; that criminal background checks have been found to be acceptable for school employment; and that required licensure/credentials are in place. If deemed necessary, the Superintendent or his/her designee may interview the recommended candidate.
7. Superintendent Decision: The Superintendent shall make the final hiring decision. If the recommended candidate is approved, the Principal will be notified. If the recommended candidate is not approved by the Superintendent, the Principal will forward the name of a second candidate. No more than one candidate’s name will be forwarded at any time. In all cases, the Superintendent shall notify the Principal of the status of the candidate in writing no more than 3 business day following an interview. If documentation (i.e. CORI, references, license confirmation) is outstanding following the interview, this information will be included in the notification to the principal. If the candidate is not acceptable to the Superintendent, the Superintendent shall include in the written notice to the principal, a reason for the decision. The principal shall communicate with the candidate in a timely manner regarding the decision.
8. Appointment: The successful candidate will be placed on the salary scale by the Superintendent in consultation with the principal and consistent with District policies. The Superintendent’s office will initiate hiring paperwork.
9. Notice of Appointment (NOA): Notice of Appointment for successful candidates will be sent from the Superintendent’s Office with an employment packet from the Superintendent or his/her designee affirming the offer of position and related salary and benefits. This employment packet shall be sent within one week of the candidate’s acceptance of the position.
10. Notifications: : The successful candidate will be notified by the Principal following written confirmation by the Superintendent. Contact information for the central office’s payroll clerk will be provided to the candidate so that he/she can make an appointment to complete employment forms.
Unsuccessful applicants who have been interviewed and any other current staff applying for teaching vacancies will be notified of their status by the Principal or his/her designee, including the Shutesbury Administrative office.
11. Orientation: The Principal will arrange for the orientation process for a newly hired employee.
12. Personnel Support: Administrative personnel support will be provided by the Superintendent’s office in conjunction with the Shutesbury Elementary Administration.
- Applications: All applications for school-based positions in the Shutesbury School District must include a criminal background check form/authorization (CORI) and a list of references, which are due prior to an interview. Applications will be received and screened by the Shutesbury Elementary Administrative office.
- Screening: Applications are screened by the Principal or his/her designee. Screening may include a screening committee assembled by the Principal.
- Review: Applications of candidates selected for interviews may be reviewed by and commented on by the Principal and the screening committee. Review will be based upon the job description and qualifications identified by the Principal or the screening committee. Applicants invited for interviews are contacted by the Shutesbury Elementary Administrative office. All candidates invited for interviews must have criminal background check submitted to the Superintendent’s office prior to the interview.
- Interviews: The Principal will arrange for interviews to be carried out by an interview team which provides expertise and breadth of perspective regarding the position. Normally, the interview team shall consist of the following members:
· Principal
· Educational Team Representatives – teachers, specialists, or other school staff
· Parent/Community Representatives
The interview team will provide comments and recommendations to the principal or his/her designee. The principal or his/her designee will conduct reference checks of preferred candidates. Multiple interviews may be conducted to further screen/review a candidate
- Recommendation: Based on information from the Interview team, reference and criminal background checks, and other sources, the Principal will recommend a single candidate for the vacancy and will forward the recommended name to the Superintendent.
The School Committee encourages discussion about the recommended candidate between the Superintendent and Principal.
- Superintendent Interview and Review: The file of the recommended candidate will be reviewed by the Superintendent’s office to ensure that affirmative action measures have been taken; that criminal background checks have been found to be acceptable for school employment; and that required licensure/credentials are in place. If deemed necessary, the Superintendent or his/her designee may interview the recommended candidate.
- Superintendent Decision: The Superintendent shall make the final hiring decision. If the recommended candidate is approved, the Principal will be notified. If the recommended candidate is not approved by the Superintendent, the Principal will forward the name of a second candidate. No more than one candidate’s name will be forwarded at any time. In all cases, the Superintendent shall notify the Principal of the status of the candidate in writing no more than 3 business days following an interview. If documentation (i.e. CORI, references, license confirmation) is outstanding following the interview, this information will be included in the notification to the principal. If the candidate is not acceptable to the Superintendent, the Superintendent shall include in the written notice to the principal, a reason for the decision. The principal shall communicate with the candidate in a timely manner regarding the decision.
- Appointment: The successful candidate will be placed on the salary scale by the Superintendent in consultation with the principal and consistent with District policies. The Superintendent’s office will initiate hiring paperwork.
- Notice of Appointment (NOA): Notice of Appointment for successful candidates will be sent from the Superintendent’s Office with an employment packet from the Superintendent or his/her designee affirming the offer of position and related salary and benefits. This employment packet shall be sent within one week of the candidate’s acceptance of the position.
- Notifications The successful candidate will be notified by the Principal following written confirmation by the Superintendent. Contact information for the central office’s payroll clerk will be provided to the candidate so that he/she can make an appointment to complete employment forms.
Unsuccessful applicants who have been interviewed and any other current staff applying for teaching vacancies will be notified of their status by the Principal or his/her designee, including the Shutesbury Administrative office.
- Orientation: The Principal will arrange for the orientation process for a newly hired employee.
- Personnel Support: Administrative personnel support will be provided by the Superintendent’s office in conjunction with the Shutesbury Elementary Administration.
Substitute teacher hirings shall be handled by the Union #28 Central office, until another process is approved by the School Committee. Procedures for Substitute selection and hiring will be developed by the Superintendent.
Amended and FINAL: 02-11-14
School Committee Reviewed and Approved as amended 04-16-15