EBCD Emergency Closing of School Procedure

File: EBCD



The Superintendent may close the schools or dismiss them early in the event of hazardous weather or other emergencies that threaten the health or safety of students and personnel.  While it may be prudent, under certain circumstances, to excuse all students from attending school, to delay the opening hour or to dismiss students early, the Superintendent has the responsibility to see that as much of the administrative, supervisory and operational activity is continued as may be possible.  Therefore, if conditions affect only a single school, only that school will be closed.

In making the decision to close schools, the Superintendent will consider many factors, including the following principle ones relating to the fundamental concern for the safety and health of the children:

1.  Weather conditions, both existing and predicted.

2.   Driving, traffic, and parking conditions affecting public and private transportation facilities.

3.  Actual occurrence or imminent possibility of any emergency condition that would make the operation of schools difficult or dangerous.

4.  Inability of teaching personnel to report for duty, which might result in inadequate supervision of students.

The Superintendent will weigh these factors and take action to close the schools only after consultation with public works and public safety authorities and with school officials from neighboring towns. Students, parents/guardians and staff will be informed early in each school year of the procedures that will be used to notify them in case of emergency closings.  When schools are closed for emergency reasons, staff members will comply with School Committee policy in reporting for work.


LEGAL REFS.:  M.G.L. 71:4; 71:4A

Edited by Shutesbury Policy Committee:  02-25-21
First Reading by Shutesbury School Committee:  03/18/21
Second Reading First Vote by Shutesbury School Committee:  04/15/21
Final Vote by Shutesbury School Committee:  05/20/21