BG School Committee Policy Development




The School Committee will develop policies and put them in writing so that they may serve as guides for the discretionary action of those to whom it delegates authority. 


The formulation and adoption of these written policies will constitute the basic method by which the School Committee will exercise its leadership in providing for the successful and efficient functioning of the school district.  Through the study and evaluation of reports concerning the execution of its policies, the School Committee will exercise its control over school operation. 


The School Committee accepts the definition of policy set forth by the National School Boards Association: 


Policies are principles adopted by a School Committee to chart a course of action.  They tell what is wanted; they may include why and how much.  Policies should be broad enough to indicate a line of action to be followed by the administration in meeting day-to-day problems, yet be specific enough to give clear guidance. 


The policies of the School Committee are framed, and are meant to be interpreted in terms of state law, regulations of the Massachusetts Board of Education, and other regulatory agencies of the various levels of government. 




NOTE:  One of the first policy needs of a School Committee is a policy, or set of policies, on policy development.  The policy above is one of a set of policies adopted by a Massachusetts School Committee. 


Reviewed and Edited by Shutesbury Policy Committee:  04-25-19

First Reading by the Shutesbury School Committee:  06-20-19

Second Reading by the Shutesbury School Committee:  09-19-19

Final Reading by the Shutesbury School Committee:  11-21-19