For the sole purpose of organizing, the School Committee will hold a regular meeting nine days following the town’s annual elections. At this organizational meeting, the committee will elect from its membership the officers for the committee and representatives to various committees requiring Shutesbury School Committee representative(s).
Two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the School Committee must be physically present to constitute a quorum for purposes of an organizational meeting. No other meetings of the committee shall be convened until the business of the organizational meeting is complete.
Consistent with policy BDB, the committee will elect the following officers - a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. These offices will be held for the term of one year or until a successor is elected. Members may be re-elected.
The organizational meeting will be chaired by the Superintendent of the Shutesbury School District until such time as a Chairperson is elected from among the members. This temporary responsibility shall begin when the meeting is called to order and end when a school committee member is elected as Chairperson by the members. The sole business that the Superintendent may oversee as temporary Chairperson is the election of a newly elected Chairperson.
The election process will occur as follows:
1. The Superintendent, acting as temporary Chair, will ask for nominations for the office of chairperson from among the members. Each nomination will require a second. Those nominated may be allowed to make a brief statement regarding her/his interest, qualifications or approach to the position of Chairperson. The Chairperson will be elected by a majority roll-call vote of the members present and voting. If no nominee receives a majority vote, the election will be declared null and void and nominations will be reopened. If elections for a Chairperson proceed unresolved, the Committee may elect a temporary Chairperson from among the members who shall serve until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the committee.
2. Upon election, the new Chairperson will preside over the rest of the organizational meeting. The Chair will call for nominations for the election of a Vice Chairperson. The election will proceed in the same manner as election for Chairperson.
Upon election of the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, all officers of the committee will have been elected.
The Chair will then call for election of representatives to other committees where Shutesbury School Committee representation is required or necessary, consistent with Policy BDB-1. The order in which these positions are considered by the Committee is at the discretion of the Chairperson. The positions will include but are not limited to:
• Two positions for the Union #28 Joint Supervisory Committee (the Chairperson according to Massachusetts General Law shall hold the third position. Policy BDB-1 designates the assignment of the alternate positions.
• One position for the Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee and an alternate
• One position for the Board of the Collaborative for Education Services • Any sub-committees of the Shutesbury School Committee, or the Union #28 Joint
Supervisory School Committee (must be among the three elected/designated members)
Any vacancy among the officers or representatives occurring between organizational meetings will be filled by a member elected by the School Committee. The election will be conducted at the next School Committee meeting following the vacancy, consistent with procedures described earlier in this policy.
Following election of officers and representatives at its organizational meeting, the School Committee may conduct other business.
The Committee may not reorganize until the following annual town elections or according to Roberts Rules of Order.
SOURCE: MASC, Shutesbury bylaws 2010.
First Reading: 04-10-12
Second Reading, First Vote: 06-21-12
Final Vote: 07-19-12