File: JRA
In order to provide students with appropriate instruction and educational services, it is necessary for the school system to maintain extensive and sometimes personal information about them and their families. It is essential that pertinent information in these records be readily available to appropriate school personnel, be accessible to the student’s parents or legal guardian and/or the student in accordance with law, and yet be guarded as confidential information.
The Superintendent will provide for the proper administration of student records in keeping with state and federal requirements, and shall obtain a copy of the state student records regulations (603 CMR 23.00). The temporary record of each student will be destroyed no later than seven years after the student transfers, graduates or withdraws from the School District. Written notice to the eligible student and his/her parent of the approximate date of destruction of the temporary record and their right to receive the information in whole or in part, shall be made at the time of such transfer, graduation, or withdrawal. The student’s transcript may only be destroyed 60 years following his/her graduation, transfer, or withdrawal from the school system.
The Committee wishes to make clear that all individual student records of the school system are confidential. This extends to giving out individual addresses and telephone numbers.
LEGAL REFS: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974,
P.L. 93-380, Amended
P.L. 103-382, 1994
M.G.L. 66:10 71:34A, B, D, E, H
Board of Education Student Record Regulations adopted 2/10/77, June 1995 as amended June 2002.
603 CMR: Dept. Of Education 23.00 through 23:12 also
Mass Dept. Of Education publication Student Records; Questions, Answers and Guidelines, Sept. 1995
CROSS REF: KDB, Public’s Right to Know
First Reading: 05-23-13
Second Reading, first vote: 06-17-13
Final Vote: 08-22-13
Reviewed and Revised by Shutesbury Policy Committee: 05-19-22