Supervision of Students
School personnel assigned supervision are expected to act as reasonably prudent adults in providing for the safety of the students in their charge.
In keeping with this expected prudence, no teacher or other staff member will leave his/her assigned group unsupervised except when an arrangement has been made to take care of an emergency.
During school hours or while engaging in school-sponsored activities, students will be released only into the custody of parents or other persons authorized in writing by a parent or guardian.
Reporting to Authorities - Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
Any school official or employee shall report any suspected child abuse or neglect as required by M.G.L. Ch. 119, S 51A.
In accordance with the law, the District shall establish the necessary regulations and procedures to comply with the intent of the Act consistent with the District's responsibility to the students, parents, District personnel, and the community.
Student Safety
All instruction will include and emphasize accident prevention.
Safety instruction will precede the use of materials and equipment by students in applicable units of work, and instructors will teach and enforce all safety rules set up for the particular courses. These include the wearing of protective eye devices in appropriate activities.
Safety on the Playground and Playing Field
The District shall provide safe play areas. Precautionary measures, which the District requires, shall include:
- A periodic inspection of the school's playground and playing fields by the Principal of the school and others as may be deemed appropriate;
- Instruction of students in the proper use of equipment;
- Supervision of both organized and unorganized activity during school hours or while engaging in school-sponsored activities.
Fire Drills and Reporting
The District shall cooperate with appropriate fire departments in the conduct of fire drills. The Principal of any public or private school, containing any of grades 1 to 12, shall immediately report any incident of unauthorized ignition of any fire within the school building or on school grounds, to the local fire department. Within 24 hours, the Principal shall submit a written report of the incident to the head of the fire department on a form furnished by the Department of Fire Services. The Principal must file this report whether or not the fire department responded.
LEGAL REFS: MGL 71:37L; 148:2A
Edited by Shutesbury Policy Committee: 05/17/18
Edited by Shutesbury Policy Committee: 06/20/18
First Reading by the Shutesbury School Committee: 09-20-18
Second Reading, First Vote by Shutesbury School Committee: 11-15-18
Final Vote by Shutesbury School Committee: 01-17-19