HB Negotiations Legal Status

File: HB

All negotiations between the School Committee and recognized employee groups are
conducted subject to Massachusetts General Laws. The legal status of negotiations is
defined in part by Section 1 of that chapter, as follows:
"In the case of school employees, the municipal employer shall be represented by the
school committee or its designated representative or representatives."
Basic to all employer/employee negotiations is the concept of "bargaining in good
faith." It is the legal responsibility of both the School Committee and employee
organizations to bargain in good faith as they conduct negotiations. However, such
obligation does not compel either party to agree to a proposal or make a concession.

SOURCE: MASC - Updated 2022
LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. 150E:1 et seq.

Reviewed and Edited by Shutesbury Policy Committee: 4-11-24
First Reading by Shutesbury School Committee: 5-16-24
Second Reading, First Vote by Shutesbury School Committee: 6-20-24
Final Vote by Shutesbury School Committee: 9-19-24