The Committee will leave to the
Superintendent all matters of decision and administration that come within their
scope as executive officer or as professional leader of the school
system. While the Committee reserves to itself the ultimate decision of
all matters concerning general policy or expenditures of funds, it will
normally proceed in these areas after receiving recommendations from its
executive officer. Further:
1. The
Superintendent may seek guidance from the Committee with respect to
matters of operation whenever appropriate. If it is necessary to make
exceptions to an established policy, they will submit the matter to the
Committee for advice and direction.
2. The
Superintendent will assist the Committee in reaching sound judgments and establishing
policies, and will place before the Committee all relevant facts, information,
and reports necessary to keep the Committee adequately informed of situations
or business at hand.
SOURCE: MASC July 2016
District Superintendent of Schools
M.G.L. 71:59; Ch. 71:63; Ch. 71 59B
Shutesbury Policy Committee: 10/19/17
First Reading – Shutesbury School Committee: 11/16/17
Second Reading, First Vote: 12/20/17
Final Vote by Shutesbury School Committee: 01/18/18