CH Policy Implementation

File: CH



The Superintendent has responsibility for carrying out, through procedures, the policies established by the School Committee.

The policies developed by the Committee and the procedures developed to implement policy are designed to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the school district.  Consequently, it is expected that all School Committee employees and students will carry them out.

Administrators and supervisors are responsible for informing staff members in their schools, departments, or divisions of existing policies and procedures and for seeing that they are implemented in the spirit intended.

SOURCE:  MASC July 2016

NOTE:  This policy is one of a coordinated set of policies relating to Policy Implementation adopted by a Massachusetts School Committee.  Other statements cover Development of Procedures (code CHA) and Procedures Dissemination (code CHC).  However, a policy related to these two subcategories could be included in the more general code CH, Policy Implementation.

Reviewed and edited by the Shutesbury Policy Committee:  01-16-20
First Reading by Shutesbury School Committee:  02-13-20
Second Reading by Shutesbury School Committee:  04-16-20
Final Vote by Shutesbury School Committee:  06-18-20