Roadtown March 3, 2017 

PUBLICATION INFORMATION  Please submit any submissions for the Community section to: [email protected] by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Online attachments must be compressed (less than 500KB) and in PDF format.  Hard copies (31) must be submitted by Wednesdays at 1:00.  Call x100 with any questions.


Monday, March 6

Safety Committee Meeting



Monday, March 6

Invasion Games Club with Mr. Carra



Tuesday, March 7

Community Network for Children Council Meeting, Conference Room



Thursday, March 9

Battle of the Books, 4th – 6th Grades



Thursday, March 9

PTO Meeting



Friday, March 10

All School Assembly



Friday, March 10

Books in Action Party @ SRS, 4th – 6th Graders (who have read 5 or more MCBA books)



Sunday, March 12

Daylight Savings – Spring Ahead!


Monday, March 13

Kindergarten Orientation




Monday, March 13

Invasion Games Club with Mr. Carra



Tuesday, March 14

K, 1st and 2nd Grade Field Trip to UMass Fine Arts Center



Tuesday, March 14

School Council Meeting



Thursday, March 16

School Committee Meeting



Congrats to Nora Steinberg:  Bananagram Champion of

Shutesbury Elementary School!


Dear Moose,

We welcomed March this week, with some beautiful warm days and a few chilly windy ones. It was wonderful to see staff and students back at school after vacation and ready to jump into the last 4 months of the school year.

On the Friday before vacation, our preschool teacher Grace Griecci led yoga at our school assembly. Our entire school participated for 15 minutes. Grace has been working with most of our classrooms, leading and teaching yoga to students weekly. We are grateful for this work and for the full-school yoga time! See the photo included in this week’s RTN.

On Thursday, SES celebrated Read Across America Day/ Dr. Seuss Day. Many students wore silly socks, hair or outfits. Some students participated in activities in the library and most classes read Dr. Seuss books. EveLynn worked with students to make awesome Dr. Seuss art displays. Chef Gail even made some green eggs and ham! We have included some great photos below. Thank you to Ms. Larson for organizing this fun day!

On Thursday March 9th, grades 4-6 will compete in the Battle of the Books and on Friday March 10th, attend the MCBA Books in Action party at Swift River School if they have read 5 or more MCBA books this year. This is a VERY exciting time and we thank Ms. L for her hard work in all of the organization and enthusiasm!

The School Council is working to create an outline of our responses from the Homework Survey. We had 82 responses from the school community! Thank you! Once we have complied the information we will send results out to our community. We conducted our open forum and will now sit down with all of our information. We will craft a school procedure and understanding regarding homework at SES.

Have a great weekend,

All School Yoga!!


Dr. Seuss’s Birthday Celebration!!







Dear SES Families,

This spring the fifth grade class is beginning a project investigating the life and work of scientists. In preparing for this project we are reaching out to the wider SES community requesting contacts of scientists that you know that might be a great fit to add to our list.

We are looking for scientists who love their work and are passionate about sharing it with the next generation. With the support of technology and the wonderful Ms. Lee and Ms. L, we are interested in scientists that not only live and work locally, but globally. Ideally, the scientist would be available to communicate with our budding scientists from April to June via letters, email, Skype/Facetime and phone.

Please share any and all contacts by emailing me at [email protected]. Thank you in advance for helping to bring even more collaboration, critical thinking and real life projects into our wonderful school!


Vanessa Bergmann and the fifth grade class

Reminder from the SES Family Handbook:

“If your child has a communicable disease or a condition which can be spread to others (i.e. strep throat, head lice, scabies, impetigo, etc.) please keep your child home and notify the nurse in order that we may prevent, as much as possible, the spread of the illness.  Children should remain home if they have had diarrhea, vomiting, or a fever in the past 24 hours.”

Reminder from the SES Office:

Please escort children who are being dropped off at school into the school in the morning.  While buses and cars are pulling in to our parking lot, it is dangerous for children to be crossing the parking lot by themselves.  If buses are not at school yet, you are welcome to pull up to the front door and drop your child off.  If buses are here, please park in the lot and walk your child into school. Thank you for your attention to this. 


Phineas from 2nd Grade!


JCB:  What is your favorite thing to do at school?

PP:  My favorite thing to do at school is gym class.  The obstacle courses!

JCB:  What do you like to do when you’re at home?

PP:  I like to play with my dad.  Lots of games.  We invent games with lacrosse sticks and tennis balls and tennis rackets.

JCB:  What is your favorite food?

PP:  My favorite food is pizza. 

JCB:  Do you like Chef Gail’s pizza?

PP:  Yes!

JCB:  If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?

PP:  Make a bunch of endangered animal places for animals to be safe.

JCB:  What would you like to be when you grow up?

PP:  A major league baseball player.

JCB:  Do you play baseball right now?

PP:  Yes.

JCB:  What position do you play? 

PP:  2nd base and pitcher.  Well, I only played pitcher once but mostly 2nd base and outfield.







Posted by carlson-belangerj On 03 March, 2017 at 10:27 AM